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How To Negotiate Salary After A Job Offer Like A Pro: Unlock Your Earning Potential

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    Sophie had just landed her dream job at a major corporation. She had worked hard to get where she was, and she was thrilled to finally be offered a position. But when it came to negotiating her salary, she froze. Sophie was afraid that if she asked for more money, the company would rescind the offer. So she accepted what they offered, even though it was less than what she knew she was worth.

    Many employees, like Sophie, struggle with negotiating their salaries, especially when they are just starting out in their careers. Negotiating a salary can be difficult, but it is important to know that you are not alone. In this article, we will provide actionable techniques to help you negotiate your salary like a pro and unlock your earning potential.

    Why Negotiating Your Salary is Important

    Negotiating your salary is important because it sets the foundation for future earnings. Your salary not only affects your current financial stability but can also impact future salary increases, promotions, and retirement savings. In fact, studies have shown that failing to negotiate your starting salary can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your career.

    Two women in white and grey tops working on silver laptops at the office.

    Despite the benefits of negotiating your salary, many people, especially women, are hesitant to do so. This is often due to societal expectations that women should be grateful for what they are offered, as well as fear of being perceived as pushy or ungrateful. However, failing to negotiate your salary can have serious long-term consequences for your financial health.

    Tips for Negotiating Your Salary After a Job Offer

    When it comes to negotiating your salary, preparation is key. In order to get the best offer, you need to do your research and come prepared to ask for more. Expressing your interest in the job and being prepared to ask for more can make a big difference in the outcome of your negotiation. It’s important to stay calm and confident throughout the process, even if you don’t get exactly what you want.

    In this section, we will go over some tips for negotiating your salary and how to handle common responses from HR. With the right balance, you can secure a fair salary and show your potential employer that you are committed to the job.

    1. Do Your Research

    Before negotiating your salary, research what other people in your industry, with similar titles and positions, are making. Use online resources like Glassdoor to find out what people with similar titles make at your new company. This will help you understand what a fair salary range is for your position and industry.

    2. Express Your Interest When You Start Negotiating Salary

    It is important to let them know that you are really interested in the job. Expressing enthusiasm for the job will show that you are committed to the company and that you are not just in it for the money.

    Businesswoman with black hair wearing a white shirt and black blazer in black blazer holding a white paper and cell phone.

    3. Be Prepared to Ask for More

    Always ask for more than what is initially offered. HR will typically make the initial offer a bit lower than what they can actually pay you. Asking for more shows that you are confident in your worth and helps establish a higher starting point for future salary negotiations.

    Ask for about 5-10% more than what is offered. If they offer you $120,000, ask for $130,000. This will give you some room to negotiate and still end up with a salary that you are comfortable with.

    Here is what you could say – “This is an exciting job opportunity for me. The group I will be working with are highly competent and I feel I would bring additional value to them. I want to discuss the $120,000 salary you offered. Based on my qualifications and experience, I believe a fair compensation for this role would be $130,000. Would you be open to discussing this figure?”

    4. Be Prepared for the Standard Response

    The standard response is often, “The salary we offered is highly competitive from our analysis of similar companies. I’m afraid we can’t go higher. That is what was budgeted.” If they say that, don’t panic. Many job applicants usually chicken out here and give up. Don’t be that person. Calmly repeat back that you are really looking forward to working there and the new role, but you really feel that your experience is worth a bit more than what they offered.

    Say “I understand your position. I do want to re-emphasize my interest in the role. My experience is a great match for this role, and I feel $130,000 is appropriate.”

    At this point, don’t say another word. Even if you hear silence. Let the other side speak. Usually it will be something like, “We will look into it and get back to you.” In that case, thank them and end the call.

    5. Negotiate the Final Offer

    If this goes by the standard HR play, they will come back to you a few days later with an improved offer. Likely, midway between their original offer and what you asked for. If they give you about half more of what you had asked for, thank them, and accept the offer.

    For most of us, this is a decent win in the negotiation. You can stop here. You have at least negotiated more than your first offer and should be happy. This will show that you are grateful for the opportunity. And that you are excited to start working for the company.

    6. Stay Calm and Build Up Your Confidence

    Remember to always stay calm and confident during negotiations. If you get emotional or angry, it can damage the relationship with your employer. Remember that you are negotiating and not demanding. Be open to hearing their side of the conversation.

    Asking for more salary can be daunting, but there are strategies that can help build up your courage to negotiate. Remind yourself of the value you will bring to the company. Make a list of your accomplishments, skills, and contributions to the organization. Recognizing your worth will give you the confidence to negotiate for a salary that reflects your value.

    Woman with black hair and a brown coat working on a laptop in the office.

    Practice out loud what you are going to say in front of a mirror or with a friend. Prepare a list of potential responses to common objections, such as “we can’t afford to pay you more” or “that’s more than we pay people at your level.” Being well-prepared can help you feel more confident and in control during the negotiation process.

    Why This Works

    Most employers expect some upward movement of salary after a job offer. For applicants who don’t bother to negotiate, this is great for the company’s budget. To get a better salary offer, all you have to do is be willing to ask for more. The steps above allow you to do this in a professional manner. And there is nothing for you to lose. Never leave free money laying down on the table.

    How To Negotiate Salary Over the Phone

    Negotiating on the phone is like negotiating in person, but it can be a little more challenging since you won’t have the visual cues to guide your conversation. However, you can still be successful if you prepare well and stay focused on your goals.

    Before the call, make sure to rehearse what you are going to say, and have a list of your key talking points and the salary range you are hoping for. During the call, be polite and professional, but also assertive and confident. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, but also be open to compromise if necessary.

    If the conversation starts to go off track or if you are feeling uncomfortable, it’s okay to take a break and regroup. You can always schedule another call or continue the conversation via email if that feels more comfortable for you.

    How To Negotiate Salary Offer via Email (Sample)

    In some cases, you may not have the opportunity to negotiate your salary in person or on the phone, and instead, you might be asked to negotiate through email. This can be tricky, but it is still possible to negotiate effectively.

    When negotiating via email, it’s essential to maintain a polite and professional tone. You should start the conversation by expressing your appreciation for the offer and your enthusiasm for the position. You can then explain that you were hoping for a slightly higher salary and provide some reasons why you believe you are worth the increase.

    Make sure to be clear and specific about the amount you are requesting, and provide some data to support your request, such as average salaries for your position in your industry or the cost of living in the area where you will be working.

    See the sample words of the phone or in-person negotiating advise earlier in the article. You can re-write those words here in the email almost exactly. The disadvantage with email is that the recipient had more time to react to your counteroffer. This is the main reason why it is strongly recommended that you negotiate in real time – by phone or in person.

    Since this is email, it is crucial to keep the conversation going and to be responsive to their replies. If they come back with a counteroffer that is still lower than what you were hoping for, you can continue the conversation and try to find a compromise that works for both parties.

    Negotiating Compensation During the Interview Stage

    Negotiating salary during the interview phase can put you in a weaker position for a few reasons. For one, you may not have all the necessary information about the job and the company to accurately assess the appropriate salary range. Additionally, the interviewer may use this discussion as a factor in determining whether to offer you the job. If you come in with a number that is too high, they may think you’re not a good fit for the position. If you come in with a number that is too low, they may not take you seriously or offer you a lower salary than what you’re worth.

    Ideally, salary negotiations should be saved until after you’ve received a job offer. This gives you more leverage, as the employer has already decided they want you for the position. If you do find yourself in a situation where the interviewer insists on negotiating the salary during the interview, it’s best to remain calm and focused. Try to get the interviewer to give their salary range first, and then ask for something higher than what they’ve offered. From there, you can negotiate backwards until you reach a mutually agreeable salary.

    Salary Negotiation Advice From “The Art of The Deal” by Donald J. Trump

    President Trump Calls Astronauts During First All-Woman Spacewalk (NHQ201910180017)

    The master persuader who won the 2016 Presidential election and became the 45th President of the United States of America also wrote the book on negotiation. Here are salary negotiating tips based on lessons from President Donald J. Trump’s bestselling book.

    While opinions may vary on President Donald J. Trump’s politics and leadership style, there’s no denying that his book, The Art of The Deal, is a popular and influential guide to negotiating. Here are some salary negotiating tips based on lessons from his book:


    “The Art Of The Deal,” provides a firsthand account of Trump’s successful business career. It outlines his strategies and tactics for negotiating deals and achieving success in business.

    Aim High and be Prepared to Walk Away.

    In The Art of The Deal, Trump emphasizes the importance of setting high goals and being willing to walk away from a deal if necessary. This applies to salary negotiations as well. Don’t be afraid to ask for a higher salary than what’s initially offered. And be prepared to walk away if the employer can’t meet your expectations.

    Use Leverage to Your Advantage

    According to Trump, successful negotiations involve understanding your leverage and using it to your advantage. In a salary negotiation, your leverage could come from your skills and experience, the demand for your position in the job market, or your ability to bring value to the company. Use these factors to support your case for a higher salary.

    Focus on the Other Party’s Interests

    The Art of The Deal also stresses the importance of understanding the other party’s interests and needs. In a salary negotiation, this means understanding the company’s budget constraints and finding ways to present your salary request as a way to benefit the company, such as by increasing your productivity or bringing in more revenue.

    Be Confident and Assertive, But Also Respectful

    Trump’s negotiating style is often described as brash and aggressive, but he also stresses the importance of being respectful and professional in negotiations. Be confident and assertive in your salary negotiation, but also be respectful of the employer’s position and avoid making personal attacks or insults.

    Be Willing to Compromise

    Finally, The Art of The Deal acknowledges the importance of compromise in negotiations. While it’s important to aim high and be willing to walk away, successful negotiations often involve finding a middle ground that works for both parties. Be open to compromise and creative solutions that meet both your needs and the employer’s needs.

    In the end, negotiating a salary is all about being prepared, being confident, and being able to effectively communicate your value to a potential employer. By taking some of the lessons from The Art of The Deal and applying them to your own negotiating strategy, you may be able to secure a better salary and ultimately advance your career.

    You Can Get The Salary You Deserve

    Negotiating your salary after a job offer is an essential step in unlocking your earning potential. As a junior employee, it can be intimidating to negotiate your salary, but with the right mindset and tactics, you can successfully advocate for yourself and achieve a fair compensation package.

    Remember that it is not your fault if you don’t have the negotiation skills to get a competitive salary, but with practice and preparation, you can improve your skills and negotiate like a pro. By researching salary ranges, asking for more than what is offered, and confidently communicating your value to the employer, you can increase your earning potential and build a solid foundation for your career.

    Don’t be afraid to negotiate your salary, because the worst that can happen is that they say no. And even then, you will have gained valuable experience and practice that will serve you well in future negotiations. So take the leap and negotiate your salary like a pro – you deserve it!

    Shaun Mendonsa, PhD is an influencing expert and pharmaceutical development leader. He writes on the topics of influence and persuasion, and develops next generation drugs in human pharma by advising international pharmaceutical CROs and CMOs. He can be reached at [email protected].


    Salary Negotiation; Negotiation; Career Advice; Interviews; Salary; Negotiation Skills; Employment Tips; Donald Trump

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