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What Is a Problem Statement And How To Write One That Is Impactful In Business

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    In business, it is common to encounter various problems that require solutions. However, before a solution can be found, the problem must first be accurately identified and clearly articulated. This is where a problem statement comes in.

    In this article, we will discuss what a problem statement is, its benefits and when to use it. We will also cover the elements of a good problem statement, how to write an impactful problem statement. Lastly, you will find examples of problem statements to use in your business cases.

    What Is a Problem Statement

    A problem statement is a concise description of the problem that needs to be solved. It defines the issue that needs to be addressed and explains why it is important. A good problem statement should be clear, specific, and objective. It should also be relevant to the business and the problem at hand.

    Benefits of Using a Problem Statement at Work

    There are several benefits of using a problem statement at work. Firstly, it helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page. By clearly stating the problem, everyone involved in finding a solution will have a common understanding of what needs to be addressed. Secondly, it helps to focus on the problem and prevent distractions.

    A well-written problem statement will keep the team focused on the issue at hand and prevent them from going off track. Finally, a good problem statement can help to identify the root cause of the problem, which will make it easier to find a solution.

    Blonde girl wearing a pink shirt sitting on a blue chair.

    Senior level managers prefer updates through a problem statement approach because it provides them with a concise and structured way of understanding complex business issues. By using a problem statement, managers can quickly identify the problem, its root cause, and the impact it has on the business. This allows them to make informed decisions about how to address the issue and allocate resources effectively.

    In addition, the problem statement approach encourages a solutions-focused mindset. It emphasizes the need to find a solution to the problem and encourages team members to think creatively about possible solutions. By using a problem statement, managers can ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.

    Elements of a Good Problem Statement

    A good problem statement should have several key elements. Firstly, it should clearly define the problem. This means being specific about the issue and explaining why it is important. Secondly, it should be concise. A problem statement that is too long or complicated may confuse the team and prevent them from finding a solution.

    Thirdly, it should be objective. This means avoiding personal opinions and biases and sticking to the facts. Finally, it should be relevant. The problem statement should be directly related to the business and the problem at hand.

    Two women in white and grey tops working on silver laptops at the office.

    How to Write an Impactful Problem Statement

    To write an impactful problem statement, follow these steps:

    1. Clearly define the problem – be specific about the issue and why it is important.
    2. Use data – include facts and figures to support the problem statement.
    3. Be objective – avoid personal opinions and biases.
    4. Keep it concise – a problem statement that is too long or complicated may confuse the team.
    5. Make it relevant – ensure that the problem statement is directly related to the business and the problem at hand.

    Example Statements for You to Use

    Here are some example problem statements that you can use in different business situations:

    Project kick-off meeting: Our current customer onboarding process is inefficient and time-consuming, leading to delays and frustration among new customers.

    Performance review: Our customer service team is struggling to meet response time targets, leading to a decrease in customer satisfaction ratings.

    Board meeting: Our sales team is experiencing a decrease in revenue due to increased competition and market saturation.

    Change management initiative: Our current inventory management system is outdated and ineffective, leading to stockouts and missed sales opportunities.

    Root cause analysis: Our production line is experiencing frequent equipment breakdowns, resulting in decreased productivity and increased downtime.

    By using a problem statement in these situations, you can help to communicate the issue clearly and objectively, which can lead to more effective problem-solving and decision-making.

    Example Problem Statements to use in Research

    Here are some example problem statements that you can use in research and development proposals:

    Research proposal: There is a lack of understanding of the impact of social media marketing on brand reputation in the healthcare industry.

    Development proposal: The current process of data extraction and analysis for clinical trials is slow and inefficient, resulting in delayed results and increased costs.

    Innovation proposal: There is a need for a new technology platform that can enable remote monitoring of patients with chronic illnesses.

    Product development proposal: There is a gap in the market for a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic packaging.

    Process improvement proposal: The current production process is prone to errors and defects, resulting in increased waste and reduced efficiency.

    By using a problem statement in research and development proposals, you can help to clearly define the problem you are trying to solve and provide a foundation for proposing a solution. This can increase the likelihood of your proposal being accepted and implemented.

    Top view of three women working on laptops around a brown desk.

    How to Make Your Problem Statement Concise

    Making your problem statement concise is important to ensure that it is clear and easy to understand. Here are ways to help you make your problem statement more concise. Avoid using complex or technical terms that may confuse the reader.

    Be specific about the problem you are trying to solve. Avoid being too broad or general in your description. Identify the key issue that needs to be addressed and focus on that in your problem statement. Avoid presenting multiple issues or distractions that may detract from the main problem.

    Lastly, eliminate any unnecessary information or details that do not directly relate to the problem. This helps to keep your problem statement focused and concise. You can also use bullet points to break up your problem statement into key points or issues. This can help to make your statement more concise and easier to read.

    Best Situations to Use a Problem Statement to Communicate Critical Information

    A problem statement is best used in situations where a problem needs to be addressed, but the solution is not immediately clear. It can also be used to communicate the problem to stakeholders who may not be familiar with the issue. Additionally, a problem statement can be useful when trying to get buy-in from team members who may not see the urgency of the problem.

    Project kick-off meetings: At the start of a new project, a problem statement can be used to set the objectives and goals for the team. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same outcomes.

    Performance reviews: A problem statement can be used to identify areas of improvement for employees during performance reviews. By presenting the problem in a clear and objective manner, employees can understand the issue and work towards finding a solution.

    Board meetings: Problem statements can be used in board meetings to communicate complex business issues to senior level managers. By presenting the problem in a structured way, managers can quickly understand the issue and make informed decisions about how to address it.

    Change management initiatives: When implementing changes within a business, problem statements can be used to identify potential challenges and develop strategies to address them. This helps to minimize disruption and increase the chances of success.

    Root cause analysis: Problem statements are a key component of root cause analysis. By presenting the problem in a clear and objective way, teams can identify the underlying causes and develop effective solutions.

    Overall, problem statements are a versatile tool that can be used in a wide range of situations to communicate critical information and facilitate problem-solving.

    What to Avoid When Writing a Problem Statement

    When writing a problem statement, there are several things to avoid. Firstly, avoid being too vague. A problem statement that is not specific enough will not provide the team with enough information to find a solution. Secondly, avoid being too broad. A problem statement that is too broad will make it difficult to focus on the issue at hand and may lead to a lack of direction.

    Thirdly, avoid using personal opinions and biases. A problem statement should be objective and based on facts, not on personal beliefs. Finally, avoid making assumptions. A problem statement should be based on evidence, not assumptions.


    In conclusion, a problem statement is a crucial part of problem-solving in business. It helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page, keeps the team focused, and helps to identify the root cause of the problem. A good problem statement should be clear, specific, and objective. It should also be relevant to the business and the problem at hand.

    Overall, the problem statement approach is an effective way for senior level managers to stay informed about the challenges facing their business. It provides them with a clear understanding of the problem and encourages a solutions-focused mindset that helps to drive the business forward.

    By following the steps outlined in this article, you can write an impactful problem statement that will help you find a solution to any problem that your business may encounter.

    Shaun Mendonsa, PhD is an influencing expert and pharmaceutical development leader. He writes on the topics of influence and persuasion, and develops next generation drugs in human pharma by advising international pharmaceutical CROs and CMOs. He can be reached at [email protected].


    Problem Statement, Business Communication, Communication, Decision Making

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