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Conflict Resolution Strategies & Skills In The Workplace

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    Resolving conflict in the workplace is essential for managers who want to maintain a healthy and productive work environment. Managers who can effectively resolve conflict can prevent conflicts from escalating and maintain positive relationships with employees.

    Here you will learn some of the best conflict resolution strategies and skills that managers can use to resolve conflicts in the workplace.

    What is Conflict Resolution

    Conflict resolution is an essential process for maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. It involves a variety of skills and techniques that help to identify the causes of conflict and find solutions that are acceptable to all parties involved. Conflict can occur for many reasons, such as differing opinions, goals, personalities, or cultural backgrounds.


    Conflict resolution is the process of identifying, addressing, and resolving conflicts or disagreements between two or more parties. Conflict can arise in any workplace, and it is important for managers to be able to identify and resolve these conflicts effectively.

    Effective conflict resolution requires good communication skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability to remain calm and focused under pressure. It also requires the ability to identify and manage emotions, and to avoid behaviors that can escalate the conflict. By developing these skills and techniques, managers can help to create a positive and productive work environment where conflicts are resolved quickly and efficiently.

    Girl sitting on stairs with her hands on her face and eyes closed and a look of stress.

    Why Resolving Conflict at Work is Difficult

    Resolving conflicts in the workplace can be challenging for many managers. Some managers may feel uncomfortable or anxious about confronting employees who are in conflict. They may also worry that addressing the issue could make the situation worse or lead to more conflicts. Other managers may lack the skills or experience to effectively handle conflicts, which can make the process difficult and frustrating.

    However, ignoring conflicts is not a solution. Failing to address conflicts can lead to a toxic work environment, which can negatively impact employee morale, productivity, and job satisfaction. Unresolved conflicts can also escalate and create more significant problems, such as decreased teamwork, increased turnover, and even legal issues.

    Another factor that contributes to difficulties in conflict resolution is a lack of training for managers. Many managers may not have received adequate training on how to handle conflicts effectively. As a result, they may not know how to listen actively, communicate clearly, or facilitate productive discussions between employees. This lack of training can make it challenging for managers to handle conflicts confidently and professionally.

    Fortunately, there are many effective strategies and techniques that can help managers resolve conflicts in the workplace. These techniques include active listening, empathy, collaboration, problem-solving, and mediation. With proper training and practice, managers can learn to use these techniques to address conflicts and create a more positive work environment. By investing in conflict resolution training and development for managers, organizations can help create a culture of open communication and collaboration, which can lead to greater productivity, job satisfaction, and employee retention.

    Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies

    There are several effective conflict resolution strategies that managers can use to resolve conflicts in the workplace. These include active listening, compromise, mediation, and problem-solving. Active listening involves carefully listening to both parties to understand their concerns and viewpoints.

    Compromise involves finding a middle ground that both parties can agree on. Mediation involves bringing in a neutral third party to help resolve the conflict. Problem-solving involves working together to find a solution to the conflict that benefits everyone.

    Strategies to Resolve Conflict Effectively in the Workplace

    To resolve conflict effectively in the workplace, managers can follow these steps:

    1. Have the courage to address the issue: The first step in resolving conflicts effectively in the workplace is to have the courage to address the issue. It is essential to identify the conflict and address it rather than ignoring it. Managers need to be proactive and initiate the conflict resolution process. By taking action early, managers can prevent the situation from escalating and causing more significant problems.
    2. Prepare what will be said to the party or parties involved: It is essential to prepare what will be said to the party or parties involved in the conflict. Preparation can help you to stay focused, calm, and rational during the conversation. Managers should take the time to gather relevant information and evidence to support their case. They should also anticipate how the other party may respond and prepare for different scenarios.
    3. Lay out the issue at hand fairly, preferably using a problem statement approach: Once the conversation has started, it’s essential to lay out the issue at hand fairly. Managers should use a problem statement approach to describe the issue and avoid blaming or attacking the other party. It is crucial to be clear and concise when laying out the issue, so everyone understands what is at stake.
    4. Summarize each side’s points so that everyone is in agreement with the issue at hand: After laying out the issue, managers should summarize each side’s points so that everyone is in agreement with the issue at hand. This step helps to ensure that both parties feel heard and understood. Managers should encourage both parties to express their opinions and perspectives fully. They should also ask open-ended questions to clarify any misunderstandings or miscommunications.
    5. Negotiate to a fair settlement: The next step in resolving conflicts effectively is to negotiate to a fair settlement. Managers should work with both parties to find a mutually acceptable solution. They should explore different options and alternatives to find a solution that meets both parties’ needs. Managers should be prepared to compromise and make concessions to reach a fair settlement.
    6. Capture the final agreement and make sure both sides agree to their commitments and concessions made: Once a settlement has been reached, it’s essential to capture the final agreement and make sure both parties agree to their commitments and concessions made. Managers should document the agreement and communicate it clearly to both parties. They should also follow up with both parties to ensure that the agreement is being honored and that there are no further issues.

    Examples of Conflict Resolution Approaches

    Here are three examples of how conflict resolution is done in the workplace:

    Conflict Resolution Within the Same Work Group

    The manager who noticed that two employees were not getting along scheduled a meeting to address the issue. Before the meeting, the manager prepared by reviewing each employee’s job responsibilities and performance to gain a better understanding of the conflict.

    During the meeting, the manager used active listening to understand both sides of the conflict. Each employee had an opportunity to share their perspective and the manager asked clarifying questions to gain a deeper understanding of the issues.

    The manager then worked with the employees to find a compromise that satisfied both parties. The manager also set clear expectations for future behavior and checked in with the employees regularly to ensure that the conflict did not resurface.

    Three women discussing a problem in the workplace and trying to resolve it.

    Conflict Resolution with a Partner Group at Work

    The manager who noticed that their team was not working well with another team in the company arranged a meeting between the two teams to address the issue. Before the meeting, the manager contacted the other team’s manager to discuss the conflict and gain an understanding of their perspective.

    During the meeting, the manager used mediation to help the teams find common ground and work together more effectively. The manager facilitated a discussion and encouraged each team to share their concerns and ideas.

    The manager also identified areas of agreement and worked with the teams to develop a plan to move forward. The manager followed up with both teams to ensure that the plan was implemented successfully and that the conflict did not resurface.

    Conflict Resolution with an External Group to the Company

    The manager who noticed that a vendor was not meeting the company’s expectations arranged a meeting with the vendor to address the issue. Before the meeting, the manager reviewed the vendor’s contract and service level agreement to gain a better understanding of the company’s expectations.

    During the meeting, the manager used problem-solving to work with the vendor to find a solution that would meet both parties’ needs. The manager identified the root cause of the issue and worked with the vendor to develop a plan to address it. The manager also set clear expectations for future performance and followed up with the vendor regularly to ensure that the issue was resolved and did not resurface.

    In each of these examples, the manager approached the conflict resolution with a clear plan and specific techniques to address the issue. The manager also prepared in advance by gathering information, reviewing relevant documentation, and understanding each party’s perspective. By using effective communication and problem-solving techniques, the manager was able to facilitate a successful resolution to the conflict.

    Persuasion Techniques to use During Conflict Resolution

    Persuasion techniques can be extremely helpful in resolving conflicts, particularly when parties are initially resistant to finding a solution. Here are some additional details about each of the three persuasion techniques mentioned:

    Framing: This technique involves presenting the conflict in a way that highlights the benefits of resolving it. When framing a conflict, it’s important to use language that is neutral and doesn’t assign blame to one party or the other. For example, instead of saying “you’re being unreasonable,” you might say “let’s try to find a solution that works for everyone.” By framing the conflict in a positive light, you can help the parties involved see the potential benefits of finding a resolution.

    Empathy: Showing empathy is an essential part of effective conflict resolution. It involves actively listening to the other party’s perspective, acknowledging their feelings, and demonstrating that you understand their point of view. When people feel heard and understood, they are more likely to be open to finding a resolution. One way to show empathy is to use “I” statements, such as “I can see why you’re upset about this” or “I understand why this is important to you.”

    Authority: When other techniques have failed, a manager can use their authority to influence the outcome of a conflict resolution. This might involve setting deadlines, offering incentives, or making a final decision. However, it’s important to use this technique carefully, as it can damage relationships if not used appropriately. If you do need to use your authority, be transparent about your reasoning and try to involve the parties in the decision-making process as much as possible.

    Overall, these persuasion techniques can be powerful tools in resolving conflicts. By framing the conflict in a positive light, showing empathy, and using your authority judiciously, you can help parties find a resolution that works for everyone.

    Two girls sitting at a desk and working on a laptop and writing pad discussing an issue.

    Additional Conflict Resolution Skills You Need

    Effective communication skills are crucial for resolving conflicts in the workplace. Managers need to be able to communicate clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing, to ensure that all parties involved in the conflict understand the issue and the proposed solution. They should also be able to actively listen to others, acknowledge their perspectives and feelings, and respond empathetically.

    Emotional intelligence is another important skill for managers to have when resolving conflicts. This includes the ability to recognize and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Being able to understand and empathize with the emotions and concerns of others can help managers to build rapport and trust, which is critical for resolving conflicts.

    Finally, managers need to remain neutral and objective during conflict resolution. They should avoid taking sides or showing favoritism towards any party involved in the conflict. Being impartial can help to build trust with all parties and can make it easier to find a fair and mutually beneficial resolution. Additionally, managers should be able to remain calm and composed during conflict resolution, even in high-pressure situations. This can help to defuse tense situations and encourage constructive dialogue between parties.


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    Conflict Resolution Strategy Interview Questions

    If you are asked to discuss your conflict resolution style and provide an example of how you resolved a conflict during an interview, it is essential to answer in a way that demonstrates your ability to handle conflicts professionally and effectively. Here are some tips on how to respond to this question:

    Begin by explaining your general approach to conflict resolution. For example, you might say that you prefer to use active listening to understand both sides of an issue before proposing a solution. Or, you might say that you prefer to work collaboratively with others to find a compromise that satisfies everyone involved.

    Once you have explained your general approach, provide an example of a conflict you resolved in the workplace. Be sure to describe the conflict, the parties involved, and the steps you took to resolve it. Emphasize how you used your conflict resolution skills to bring about a positive outcome.

    As you describe your conflict resolution style and the example you provide, highlight your strengths. For example, you might emphasize your ability to remain calm and objective in difficult situations, your strong communication skills, or your knack for finding creative solutions to complex problems.

    Finally, be honest in your response. If you are asked about a conflict that you were unable to resolve, explain what you learned from the experience and how you would approach a similar situation in the future. Honesty and self-awareness are highly valued qualities in the workplace.

    What to Ask When You Are the Hiring Manager

    During the hiring process, managers can ask candidates about their conflict resolution skills and experiences. You can ask them to describe a time when they had to resolve a conflict in the workplace and how they approached the situation. You can also ask them about their communication skills and their ability to remain calm and objective in difficult situations.

    Additionally, it can be helpful to assess a candidate’s personality traits and values to see if they align with your company’s culture and values. For example, if your company values teamwork and collaboration, you may want to look for candidates who have a track record of working well with others and who demonstrate empathy and understanding towards their colleagues.

    What to Avoid When Resolving Conflict in The Office

    Avoid Ignoring the Issue: Ignoring conflicts in the workplace will only make the situation worse. Instead, managers should address the issue head-on and try to resolve it as soon as possible.

    Avoid Taking Sides: Taking sides in a conflict can make the situation worse and can lead to resentment and mistrust. Managers should remain neutral and focus on finding a solution that is fair to all parties involved.

    Avoid Being Defensive: When resolving conflicts, it is important to remain calm and objective. Managers should avoid becoming defensive or taking criticism personally.

    Avoid Being Confrontational: Being confrontational can escalate a conflict and make it more difficult to resolve. Managers should approach conflict resolution in a respectful and collaborative manner.

    Avoid Blaming Others: Blaming others can lead to a defensive response and can make it more difficult to find a solution. Managers should focus on finding a solution rather than assigning blame.

    Why These Techniques Help with Diffusing Difficult Situations at Work

    They Encourage Open Communication: Effective conflict resolution techniques encourage open communication between all parties involved. By allowing everyone to share their perspective, managers can gain a better understanding of the issue and work towards finding a solution.

    They Focus on Finding a Solution: Effective conflict resolution techniques focus on finding a solution that is fair to all parties involved. This can help diffuse difficult situations and prevent conflicts from escalating.

    They Promote Empathy and Understanding: Conflict resolution techniques promote empathy and understanding between parties involved in the conflict. This can help build stronger relationships and prevent future conflicts.

    They Encourage Collaboration: Conflict resolution techniques encourage collaboration between parties involved in the conflict. By working together to find a solution, everyone can feel invested in the outcome and more likely to comply with the agreed-upon solution.

    They Help Maintain a Positive Work Environment: By resolving conflicts in a respectful and collaborative manner, managers can help maintain a positive work environment. This can lead to increased productivity, higher morale, and better overall job satisfaction for employees.


    Conflict resolution is an essential skill for managers in any workplace. It requires careful planning and the use of effective strategies to successfully identify, address, and resolve conflicts between parties. While it may seem daunting at first, it is not an insurmountable task. By using the right techniques such as active listening, framing, empathy, and authority, managers can successfully mediate and resolve conflicts.

    It is important to also be aware of what to avoid during conflict resolution, such as avoiding blame, being confrontational, or disregarding emotions. Good communication skills, emotional intelligence, and remaining neutral and objective are also crucial for successful conflict resolution.

    Managers should approach conflict resolution with courage and a prepared plan, laying out the issue fairly and summarizing each side’s points to reach a fair settlement. By doing so, managers can create a positive work environment, increase productivity, and boost job satisfaction.

    We hope you have gained insight into conflict resolution and are motivated to try out the approaches you have learned here. With practice and persistence, you can become a skilled conflict resolver and create a harmonious workplace.

    Shaun Mendonsa, PhD is an influencing expert and pharmaceutical development leader. He writes on the topics of influence and persuasion, and develops next generation drugs in human pharma by advising international pharmaceutical CROs and CMOs. He can be reached at [email protected].


    Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, Interviews, Authority, Leadership Tips, Behavior Change, Business Communication, Persuasion, Negotiation Skills, Difficult Employees

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