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How to Find Low Competition Keywords Easily with Free SEO Tools

    Google search screenshot showing "People also ask" panel for the search term "find low competition keywords" on a white background.

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    In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, finding low competition keywords doesn’t have to be a daunting quest. This article delves into the intricacies of keyword research and presents a treasure trove of less-obvious yet remarkably effective techniques. These strategies require minimal effort but yield substantial results, making the pursuit of high-impact keywords an achievable endeavor.

    The key to SEO triumph lies in identifying keywords with minimal competition and promising search potential. Let’s navigate these methods in greater detail.

    Google’s ‘People Also Ask’ for Quick Insights

    One of the quickest ways to identify low-competition keywords is by utilizing Google’s ‘People Also Ask’ feature. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

    Begin with a broad keyword relevant to your content, such as “home gardening.” Next, type this keyword into Google and scroll down to the “People Also Ask” section, where you’ll find a list of related questions. Handpick one of these questions, and it becomes your target keyword. These questions are often specific, long-tail keywords with low competition, such as “How to grow tomatoes in a small apartment?” By seamlessly integrating this question into your content, you’ve just discovered an easy-to-rank, highly targeted keyword.

    The Quora Quirk

    Quora, the popular question-and-answer platform, conceals a treasure trove of low-competition keywords. Here’s how to navigate it:

    Commence by visiting Quora and entering a broad topic that aligns with your content – for example, “digital marketing.” Peruse the questions asked by users. These questions frequently mirror actual search queries. Select a relevant question that’s both specific and low-competition, such as “What are the best tools for social media analytics for small businesses?” Craft content that directly addresses this question, and voila, you have a precisely targeted keyword and an instant audience on Quora.

    Reddit’s Subreddits for Unique Insights

    Reddit, renowned as the “front page of the internet,” holds a treasure trove of niche conversations. Here’s how to tap into this resource:

    Identify a subreddit related to your niche or industry. For instance, if your expertise lies in fitness, delve into r/fitness. Within the subreddit, explore the discussions and look for questions or problems users are sharing. Subreddits often host user-generated content teeming with specific long-tail keywords. Choose a relevant topic or question, and use it as your target keyword, such as “How to improve bench press technique?” Create content that revolves around this keyword, and you’ll draw in an engaged and precisely targeted audience from Reddit.

    Harnessing Free Online Tools to Find SEO Keywords

    Another effective and effortless approach is to utilize free online tools for keyword research. Tools like Ubersuggest, Keywords Everywhere, and AnswerThePublic can provide valuable insights. However, if you require more in-depth research without budget constraints, consider Ahrefs’ free keyword generator:

    Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator: Ahrefs, a well-known SEO tool, offers a free keyword generator with no limitations on the number of searches. This tool provides extensive keyword suggestions, search volume data, and competition analysis. By utilizing this resource, you can unearth a wealth of low-competition keywords to boost your SEO efforts without the need for a subscription.

    Screenshot of Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator showing search results for "find low competition keywords" search term on a blue and white background.

    In summary, these techniques, from leveraging Google’s ‘People Also Ask’ and exploring Quora and Reddit to employing free online tools like Ahrefs’ keyword generator, can help you effortlessly uncover low-competition keywords, ultimately boosting your SEO efforts without a major time or resource investment.

    Leveraging the Ubersuggest Browser Extension for Low-Competition Keywords:

    When it comes to effortless keyword research, Ubersuggest’s browser extension is a valuable tool. It empowers you to find low competition keywords while browsing the web. Here’s how to use this extension effectively:

    Installation: Start by adding the Ubersuggest browser extension to your preferred web browser. It’s available for popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

    Keyword Suggestions: Once installed, you’ll see the Ubersuggest icon in your browser’s toolbar. Now, as you browse the web, you can activate the extension by clicking on the icon.

    Analyze Competing Pages: As you land on web pages or competitors’ sites related to your niche, click the Ubersuggest icon. The extension will display data about that page, including estimated monthly organic traffic and the number of keywords the page ranks for.

    Review Keyword Ideas: Scroll down to explore the list of keywords that the page ranks for. Ubersuggest provides data on search volume, CPC (cost per click), and competition level for each keyword.

    Screenshot of Ubersuggest Free Keyword Finder browser extension as part of a Google search window.

    Identify Low-Competition Keywords: Look for keywords with a balance of decent search volume and low competition. These are the sweet spots. Keywords with high search volume but low competition are often easier to rank for and can drive significant traffic to your website.

    Create Content and Optimize: Once you’ve identified low-competition keywords, you can incorporate them into your existing content or use them as inspiration to create new, highly targeted content. Ensure your content is valuable and optimized for the selected keywords, enhancing your chances of ranking well.

    Track Your Progress: Use Ubersuggest’s tracking features to monitor how your pages perform for these low-competition keywords. Regularly check your rankings and make necessary adjustments to maintain or improve your positions.

    The Ubersuggest browser extension simplifies the process of finding low-competition keywords by providing real-time data and suggestions while you browse the web. This makes it an invaluable tool for SEO enthusiasts and content creators looking to optimize their online presence and attract more organic traffic to their websites.


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    Utilizing Google Search Console to Find Low Competition Keywords

    In your quest to discover valuable keywords with low competition, don’t overlook the goldmine of data available in Google Search Console. This tool can provide you with insights into keywords your site is already performing well for. Here’s how to make the most of it:

    Access Google Search Console: If you haven’t already, ensure your website is verified in Google Search Console. This will grant you access to a wealth of data, including keyword performance.

    Navigate to ‘Performance’: Once you’re in Google Search Console, head to the ‘Performance’ section. Here, you’ll find an overview of how your site is performing in search results.

    Google Search Console screenshot showing how to find low-competition keywords with high traffic in a blue and purple graph.

    Explore ‘Queries’: In the ‘Performance’ section, click on ‘Queries.’ This will display a list of keywords that users have entered in Google’s search bar, leading them to your site.

    Sort and Analyze: Sort the list by various metrics, including clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and position. This allows you to identify keywords where your site is performing well, often indicated by a high CTR and positioning on the first page.

    Focus on High CTR, Low Position Keywords: Look for keywords with a high CTR but a relatively low position. These are the hidden gems – keywords where your site is already attracting clicks, but with some SEO optimization, you can climb higher in the rankings.

    Create Targeted Content: Armed with these insights, you can create more targeted content around these keywords. Optimize your existing content or develop new content that reinforces your site’s relevance for these keywords.

    Conclusion: Unlocking the Potential of Low-Competition Keywords

    Leveraging Google Search Console enables you to identify keywords where your website is already excelling and transform them into low-competition, high-impact SEO opportunities. This enhances your rankings and elevates your website’s visibility to a relevant and engaged audience.

    In the dynamic realm of SEO, the pursuit of high-impact keywords no longer necessitates an arduous expedition. The techniques explored, combined with the power of Google Search Console, constitute an arsenal of strategies designed to fortify your SEO endeavors. By optimizing your website for low-competition keywords, you can ascend the ranks and present your content to an eager audience.

    Armed with these insights, you’re poised to harness the potential of low-competition keywords, bolstering your website’s visibility, and delivering precisely what your audience seeks. Take these hidden gems and transform your SEO strategy with finesse and finesse. Your path to SEO success is illuminated, and the journey begins now.

    Shaun Mendonsa, PhD is an influencing expert and pharmaceutical development leader. He writes on the topics of influence and persuasion, and develops next generation drugs in human pharma by advising international pharmaceutical CROs and CMOs. He can be reached at [email protected].


    Ahrefs, Clickthrough Rate, Free Online Tools, Google Search, Google Search Console, Keyword Research, Ubersuggest

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