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80/20 Rule: How To Apply It In Marketing And Business

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The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This principle can be applied to various areas such as business, finance, and productivity. For example, in a business setting, 80% of a company’s revenue may come from 20% of its customers.

In terms of personal productivity, 80% of our results may come from 20% of our efforts. The 80/20 rule serves as a reminder to focus on the most important tasks and factors that contribute to our goals and success.

Why The 80/20 Rule Is Important In The Workplace

The 80/20 rule is important in the workplace because it helps individuals and organizations to focus on the most important tasks and activities that will have the greatest impact on their goals and success. By identifying and prioritizing the 20% of tasks and activities that will have the greatest impact, individuals and organizations can use their time, energy, and resources more efficiently and effectively.

Additionally, the 80/20 rule can help to identify and eliminate non-productive tasks and distractions in the workplace. By identifying and eliminating activities that do not contribute to the organization’s goals, individuals and organizations can free up more time and energy to focus on the most important tasks and projects.

Businesspeople standing around and talking in an office.

Business Schools Teach The Pareto Principle As A Priority

Business schools prioritize the learning of the 80/20 rule because it is a powerful tool for increasing productivity, efficiency, and success in the workplace. They have been teaching the 80/20 rule to MBA students for years.

Business schools teach the 80/20 rule because it is a widely accepted principle that is used in many industries and organizations. It is a practical tool that can be applied to various business scenarios. And can help MBA students to understand and analyze real-world business problems.

Furthermore, business schools prioritize the learning of the 80/20 rule because it encourages MBA students to think critically and develop problem-solving skills. By applying the principle to various business scenarios, MBA students learn how to identify key factors, prioritize tasks and activities, and develop recommendations for improvement.

Understanding how the Pareto Principle works also helps MBA students to develop a strategic mindset. The principle teaches MBA students to focus on the most important aspects of a business, which can help them to make better decisions, allocate resources more efficiently, and achieve their goals more effectively.

Using The 80/20 Rule To Increase Your Productivity At Work

One way to apply the 80/20 rule to increase productivity at work is to identify and prioritize the most important tasks and projects. Focus on the 20% of tasks that will have the greatest impact on your work and goals. Now you can eliminate or delegate less important tasks and use your time and energy more efficiently.

Another way to apply the 80/20 rule is to identify and eliminate nonproductive tasks. Many activities that we engage in throughout the day are not essential. They may be taking up valuable time and energy. By identifying and eliminating these time-wasters, you can free up more time and energy to focus on the most important tasks.

You can also use the 80/20 rule to prioritize your to-do list. Many people have long to-do lists with a variety of tasks. But not all tasks are equal in terms of importance. Pay more attention to the 20% of tasks that are most important. When you work on the most critical items first, it will help you to feel more productive.

Finally, you can use the 80/20 rule to identify and leverage your strengths. By focusing on the activities that you are best at, you can maximize your productivity and achieve your goals more effectively.

Two girls in front of a whiteboard talking to each other.

Applying The 80/20 Rule In Marketing

One way to apply the 80/20 rule in marketing is to focus on the 20% of your customers who are responsible for 80% of your sales. These customers, known as “VIP customers,” are the most valuable to your business and should be treated as such. By identifying these customers and understanding their needs and preferences, you can tailor your marketing efforts to them and see a significant return on investment.

Another way to apply the 80/20 rule in marketing is to focus on the 20% of your marketing channels that are responsible for 80% of your leads and sales. For example, it’s possible that 80% of your leads and sales come from just 20% of your marketing channels, such as social media or email marketing. By identifying these high-performing channels, you can allocate more resources to them and see a greater return on investment.

To apply the 80/20 rule in marketing, it’s also important to focus on the 20% of your products or services that generate 80% of your revenue. This is known as “The Vital Few.” By identifying these products or services and understanding why they are successful, you can replicate their success with other products or services. Additionally, by focusing on these products or services, you can create specialized marketing campaigns that will generate more leads and sales.


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In addition to these tactics, the 80/20 rule can also be applied to your overall marketing strategy. By identifying the 20% of marketing tactics that are responsible for 80% of your results, you can focus on those tactics and see a greater return on investment. This could include things like search engine optimization, social media marketing, or content marketing.

Use The Pareto Principle To Improve Outcomes In Your Personal Life

Two girls working out in a gym.

How can you apply the 80/20 rule in your personal life? One way is to focus on the 20% of activities that bring the most joy and fulfillment to you. By identifying and prioritizing these activities, you can maximize your overall happiness and satisfaction.

Another way to apply the 80/20 rule in your personal life is to identify the 20% of habits that are holding you back and make a conscious effort to change them. For example, if you find that 20% of your daily habits are causing 80% of your stress, it may be worth looking into ways to break those habits.

The 80/20 rule is a powerful tool that can help individuals and businesses alike focus on the most important things. And achieve better results with less effort. By identifying and prioritizing the 20% of inputs that yield the most results, you can make the most of your time and resources.

Easy Way To Remember How To Use The 80/20 Rule

One way to remember the 80/20 rule is to think of it as a “rough rule of thumb” that states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In other words, it suggests that a small number of inputs are responsible for the majority of outputs. We have seen that he most common examples of this principle are:

  • 80% of sales come from 20% of customers
  • 80% of complaints come from 20% of clients
  • 80% of work is done by 20% of employees

Another way to remember the principle is to think of it as a “key drivers” principle. Identify and focus on the key drivers that are responsible for the majority of the results.


Overall, the 80/20 rule can be a powerful tool for businesses and marketers looking to improve their results with less effort. By identifying the 20% of customers, marketing channels, products, services, and activities that generate the most results, you can focus your resources on those areas and see a greater return on investment. Additionally, by understanding the 80/20 rule and applying it to your business, you can make data-driven decisions that will help you achieve your goals and grow your business.

In conclusion, the 80/20 rule is a powerful principle that can be applied in many different areas of business, including marketing. By understanding and utilizing the 80/20 rule, companies can improve their marketing strategies and see better results with less effort.

By focusing on the 20% of customers, marketing channels, products, services, and activities that generate the most results. You can assign your resources on those areas and see a greater return on investment. Additionally, by understanding the 80/20 rule and applying it to your business, you can make data-driven decisions that will help you achieve your goals and grow your business.

Shaun Mendonsa, PhD is an influencing expert and pharmaceutical development leader. He writes on the topics of influence and persuasion, and develops next generation drugs in human pharma by advising international pharmaceutical CROs and CMOs. He can be reached at [email protected].


80/20 Rule; Personal Development; Marketing; Workplace Influence; Business Savvy; Career Development; Thinking Productively

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